

Whether they are committing credit card fraud (and considering how careful credit card companies have become, I doubt the boys could survive on fake credit cards unless the entire show was about Sam and Dean filling out applications) or committing to spending eternity in hell to save mankind, no main character except John Winchester has ever had to actually live with the penalty of his choices. Reason #2 If you tell anyone that Supernatural made me love this song, I will VEHEMENTLY deny it.ģ.) There are no actual consequences for the Winchester’s actions.

  • Step Six: “Screw what I just said, we will just go ahead and do what we can do! We fight till we die.
  • Step Five: “This fight is way too hard.
  • Step Three: “I hate you for (most recent thing you did) and I feel completely betrayed, even though the thing you did wasn’t that bad, and I am looking for a reason to cry on camera.
  • Step Two: “We are brothers! Nothing can come between us (even though I/you just wanted out and away from the life we have).”.
  • We hear the same old argument every season. There is no progress in their relationship either.


    Each brother spends a lot of time (a ridiculous amount of time, actually) pouring his heart out to supporting cast members regarding his place in the world and his feelings about his brother, but there is no evidence in their actions to back this up. Reason #1 that I will keep vegging out with Supernatural: season one Sam & Dean are swoon worthy.Ģ.) My second argument for the poor quality of this ever-present, fantasy soap opera, is the one dimensional, stagnant characters. I’m sure purgatory isn’t a pleasant place, but Dean (who has been to heaven AND hell AND purgatory) wants us to believe that it is the nastiest place in existence. There is no way that “purgatory” is a nastier place than hell-after all, traditionally it is a holding cell for people who aren’t bad enough for hell but not good enough for heaven. Somehow, the replacement bad guys-vampire daddies and shape-shifting dudes called Leviathan-were evil-er and more difficult to kill than the princes of heaven and hell. One would think that there was no way to top a PAIR OF ARCHANGELS as difficult adversaries, but the show producers were undaunted. An Archangel and a former Archangel would seem to be the scariest bad guys in town, but the Winchesters manage to hide from them for a ridiculous number of episodes until finally the angel/demon pair are banished to an extra special cage in hell-managing to SPLAT goofy angel sidekick Castiel and take Sam into hell with them (more on that shortly). Then Lucifer and Michael arrived on the scene. Once Azriel was done away with, the boys turned their attentions to Lilith, the baddest demon EVER! Sam did some dumb stuff like drinking demon blood, but in the end, Lilith got hers just like Azriel had. These days, his sons discover big baddies and polish them off in the course of twenty episodes or so with relatively little effort. John has been praised over and over (even posthumously) as being one of the best hunters who ever lived, and yet it took him a lifetime to find this demon and kill it. This whole show started with John Winchester’s lifelong search for Azriel, the yellow-eyed demon who killed his wife.


    1.) Every adversary that Sam and Dean Winchester face is supposedly bigger and badder than the last adversary, but actually seems easier to kill.
